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KIM 104 - Organic Chemistry

Course Objectives

1. To teach the basic concepts and principles of organic chemistry.
2.To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge together.
3.To improve the ability of organic problem solving and to decide critical decisions.
4.To give the importance of organic chemistry on the daily life.
5.To help the students thinking positively, logical and to understand the importance of organic chemistry for engineering.
Bu dersi tamamlayan öğrenciler;
I. Organik Kimyanın temel kavram ve ilkelerini öğrenip, yorum ve uygulama yapabilme,
II. Teorik ve pratik bilgiyi bir bütün olarak vermek ve yorum yapabilme,
III. Öğrencilerin organik problemleri çözme becerilerini geliştirip,sorunu çözebilme;
IV. Organik Kimyanın güncel hayatımızdaki önemini anlama,
V. Öğrencileri mantıklı ve pozitif düşüncelere yöneltmek ve organik kimyanın mühendislik için önemini anlamalarını sağlamak.
Students who pass the course will be able to;
1. To learn and apply the basic concepts and principles of organic chemistry.
2. To provide and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge together.
3. To improve and solve the ability of organic problem solving and to decide critical decisions
4. To learn and apply the importance of organic chemistry on the daily life.
5. To help the students thinking positively, logical and to understand the importance of organic chemistry for engineering.

Course Description

The scope of organic chemistry and atomic properties of carbon, chemical bonding, hybrid orbitals, aliphatic hydrocarbons (alkane,cycloalkane), alkenes,alkyns, halojenated compounds, alcohols, diols, ethers, aromatic compounds, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acids and derivatives, amines and polymers chemistry and all reactions.

Course Coordinator
Nilgün Kızılcan
Course Language
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