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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Science and Letters / MAT 381E - Veri Bilimine Giriş

MAT 381E - Introduction to Data Science

Course Objectives

1. To provide the basic knowledge required for using data science computational tools (e.g., a programming language, a dynamic report application, a version control system).
2. To introduce different types of data arising from the digital technologies.
3. To introduce data visualization techniques and tools.
4. To provide the basic knowledge required to use data science packages associated with a programming language.
5. To give an ability for interpreting data arising from different disciplines and making data-driven inferences.

Course Description

Foundations of data science, Data science computational tools, Data visualization, Data scraping from Web, Social network data, Text as data, Text mining, Network analysis and visualization, Geographic information system, Visualization of spatial and urban data, Interactive data visualization, Relational databases

Course Coordinator
Gül İnan
Gül İnan
Course Language
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