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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Olasılık Teorisi
English Probability Theory
Course Code
MAT 221E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gül İnan
Course Objectives This course aims to:

1. To provide the basic concepts of probability.
2. To set up probability models for a range of random phenomena, both discrete and continuous.
3. To develop critical thinking skills and abilities to apply calculus techniques (i.e., limits,
derivatives, integration, infinite series) to assess the probability of an event.
Course Description This course is an introductory level probability class on introducing following concepts: sample space, probability measure on a sigma-algebra, Kolmogorov axioms, conditional probability, combinatorial methods, Bayes theorem. Random variables, discrete density functions, continuous density functions, functions of random variables, bivariate joint density functions, marginal and conditional density functions, independent random variables. Definition and properties of expectations. Chebyshev inequality. Moment generating functions. Special discrete and continuous distributions. Limit theorems, law of large numbers, central limit theorem. Slutsky's theorem.
Course Outcomes A student who completed this course successfully is expected to:

1. Understand and apply basic concepts of probability.
2. Understand probability distributions for both discrete and continuous phenomena.
3. Calculate basic characteristics such as mean and variance of probability distributions, and any probability
associated with this distributions.
4. Use special probability distributions for modeling events.
5. Use limit theorems.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities
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