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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Science and Letters / KIM 232 - Organik Kimya II

KIM 232 - organic chemistry II

Course Objectives

1. to give the knowledge about the carbonyl and aromatic compounds
2. to be able to predict the reaction mechanisms of organic reactions
3. to make retrosynthetic analysis, to design reaction path way and to solve organic chemistry

Course Description

Amines, Aldehydes and Ketones, Reactions of Electrophilic Carbon Atom, Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives, Nucleophilic Substitution to the Carbonyl Group, Enols and Enolate İons, Halogenation reactions, Conjugated Addition Reactions, Alkylation and Condensation Reactions, Aromatic Compounds, Electrophilic and Nücleophilic Aromatic Substitutions, Amines, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Heterocyclic Compounds.

Course Coordinator
Emine Naciye Talınlı
Course Language
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