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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Cebir
English Algebra
Course Code
MAT 324E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ergün Yaraneri
Course Objectives 1-To teach basic group theory.
2-To teach basic ring theory.
3-To show the relations between quotient rings and fields.
Course Description Group Axioms, Subgroup, Normal Subgroup, Quotient Groups, Langrange’s Theorem, Homomorphisms, Isomorphism Theorems, Direct Product of Groups, The Structure of Abelian Groups, Permutation Groups, Ring Axioms, Direct Product of Rings, Subrings and Ideals, Quotient Rings, Homomorphisms, Integral Domain, Prime and Maximal Ideals, Polynomial Rings.
Course Outcomes Students completing this course will be able to:
1-Understand basics definitions and concepts of group theory,
2-Understand basics theorems of group theory such as Lagrange’s
Theorem and the First Isomorphism Theorem and their applications,
3-Know the basic properties of the permutation groups,
4-Understand basics definitions, concepts and theorems of ring theory,
5-Understand definitions of prime and maximal ideals, and know the relations between quotient rings and fields,
6-Know the basic properties of the polynomial rings.
Pre-requisite(s) MAT175-E min DD
Required Facilities
Textbook 1-A First Course in Abstract Algebra, by J.B. Fraleigh
2-Contemporary Abstract Algebra, by J.A. Gallian
Other References 1-Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra, by D.S. Malik
2-Abstract Algebra, by D.S. Dummit and R.M. Foote
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