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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yüzey Aktif Maddeler
English Surfactants
Course Code
KIM 415 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Oya Atıcı
Course Objectives 1. To instruct important properties and chemical structures of surfactants
2. Understand the importance of the reactions during industrial processing
3. Think critically for the effect of each surfactant on industrial producs quality
Course Description Introduction, organic and physical chemistry of surface active compounds, carboxylates, sulphonates, sulphonates and phosphates, non-ionics surfactants, cationics and amphoterics surfactants, micellar solvating, welting and foaming, cleaning of clothes, cleaning of dishes and cosmetically cleaning, emulsion-emulsion polymerization, biological decompositon.
Course Outcomes By successful completion of this course, students will
I. learn chemical bonds and functional groups in surfactant compounds
II. learn principles of emulsions, dispersions, foaming, wetting, and other related concepts
III. learn industrial concerns, whose very lifeblood may be intimately linked to application of the basic principles of interfacial interactions,
IV having general information about identify, formulate, solve and present formulation problems.
V. learn about surfactant decomposition and their effects on the environment.
VI. understand how to find literature and make presentations and how to critique the presentations given by others
Required Facilities
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