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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Biyokimya 2 Laboratuvarı
English Biochemistry II Lab
Course Code
BIO 328EL Credit Lecture
Semester 2
- - - 3
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Muhammet Übeydullah Kahveci
Course Objectives 1. What are the parameters to growth the cell having industrially important recombinant enzyme
2. What are the basic steps to purify the recombinant protein
3. Characterisation of the purified recombinant protein.
Course Description Industrially important recombinant enzyme is produced. Following by the purification of this enzyme by using different types of chromatography techniques, characterisation is carried out by using the gel electrophoresis and enzyme kinetic experiments.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Preparation of solution and media
II. Cell growth and enzyme expression
III. Physical and enzymatic cell disruption methods
IV. Protein precipitation depends on physical and chemical properties of the protein
V. Removing methods of the undesirable small molecules
VI. Application of purification of proteins by chromatographic methods
VII. Understanding of enzyme-substrate interaction and interpretation of kinetic data
Pre-requisite(s) BIO 315EL MIN CC or BIO 311E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Other References
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