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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Genel Kimya II Lab.
English General Chemistry II Lab.
Course Code
KIM 114L Credit Lecture
Semester -
- - - 3
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ayfer Kalkan Burat
Course Objectives 1. To gain the ability to prepare experimental setups.
2. To teach the use of simple laboratory instruments used in the laboratory.
3. To support the knowledge learned in general chemistry courses by conducting experiments in the laboratory.
4. To teach scientific report writing techniques.
5. To gain the ability to interpret experimental results.
Course Description Acids, bases and salts; Buffer preparation and buffer capacity; Determination of solubility product constant; Soap synthesis and properties; Analysis of Group I or Chloride Group Cations, Hydrogen Sulfide Group, Ammonium Sulfide Group, IV. Identification reactions of group cations, common anions and their salts; Preparation of [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 coupling isomer.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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