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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Ayrık Matematik
English : Discrete Mathematics
Course Code
MAT 148 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator İbrahim Kırat
Course Objectives 1. To teach the notion of discrete mathematics.
2. To teach counting and how modelling.
3. To teach how to apply techniques from othe fields of mathematics to discrete mtahematics.
4. To teach about algorithms and recurrence relations.
Course Description Combinations, permutations, binomial theorem and applications, counting. Algorithms and their analysis, recursive algorithms. Representations of integers, Euclid algorithm, RSA cryptosystem. Recurrence relations, their solutions, application to analysis of algorithms. A basic introduction to graph theory. Boolean algebra, combinatorial circuits, finite state machines, finite state automata and Turring Machine.
Course Outcomes Students completing this course will be able to:
I. use of methods of prof,
II. learn basic algorithms and to anaysis,
III. Knowing counting methods and their applications,
IV. obtain recurrence relations ( difference equations), solve and apply to the algorithm analysis, and evaluate the finite sums,
V. learn basics of number theory and crytographic , and Euclid algorithm,
VI. learn basic properties of the graphs, obtain Euler and Hamilton cycles and to apply shortest path, planar graphs algorithms,
VII. learn trees and their applications,
VIII. learn boolean algebra ,form combinatorial circuits
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Introductory Combinatorics, R.A Brualdi, V. Ed 2009
Other References Discrete Mathematics, R. Johnsonbaugh VII. Ed. 2009 Pearson
2. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, K.H. Rosen VI. Ed. 2007
3. Discrete Mathematics, K. Ross & C. Wright V. Ed 2002
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