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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fizik II
English Physics II
Course Code
FIZ 102E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Özgür Akarsu
Course Objectives Introduction to Physics II
Course Description Introduction to Physics II
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
? The exams will consist of multiple-choice questions. Exam grades will be calculated by subtracting one quarter of the number of wrong answers from the number of correct answers. If the resulting grade is negative, the grade will be considered as zero.
? Students, who do not attend at least one of the midterm exams, are not admitted to the final exam and get VF.
? Letter grades are assigned in accordance with the guidelines set by the Senate.
Guidelines: https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/TR/mevzuat/ders-basari-olcme-ve-degerlendirme-senato-esaslari.php#
? All course announcements will be posted on https://fizik.itu.edu.tr/en/home. It is the responsibility of students to regularly check this web page for updates.
Textbook ? Young, Hugh D., and Freedman, Roger A. University Physics with Modern Physics. 14th ed. Pearson, 2016.
Other References ? Giancoli, Douglas C. Physics for Scientists & Engineers.
? Halliday, David, Resnick, Robert, and Walker, Jearl. Fundamentals of Physics.
? Serway, Raymond A., and Jewett, John W. Physics for Scientists and Engineers.
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