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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektronik 1
English Electronics I
Course Code
FIZ 233E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Özgün Girgin
Course Objectives This course provides the student with the fundamental skills to understand the basic of semiconductor and components like Diode, Transistor, FET, MOSFET and Operational Amplifier It will build mathematical and numerical background for design of electronics circuit & component value. Students equipped with the knowledge and training provided in the course will be able to participate in design, development and operation in the different area of electronics system.
Course Description This course provides the student with the fundamental skills to understand the basic of semiconductor and components like Diode, Transistor, FET, MOSFET and Operational Amplifier It will build mathematical and numerical background for design of electronics circuit & component value. Students equipped with the knowledge and training provided in the course will be able to participate in design, development and operation in the different area of electronics system.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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