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FIZ 316 - Quantum Mechanics II

Course Objectives

To learn how to apply quantum mechanics to 3-dimensional systems; to understand the spin angular momentum which has no classical counterpart; to understand how the structure of the hydrogenic atoms can be explained successfully in quantum mechanics

Course Description

Angular Momentum: general formalism of angular momentum, Eigenstates of the angular momentum operators ,the rigid rotator, the angular momentum matrices; Spherically Symmetric Systems: the radial momentum, the radial equation, the free particle in spherical coordinates, the spherical infinite well, the two-particle problem, the spherical finite well (deuteron), the hydrogen atom; Spin: the Stern-Gerlach experiment and spin, spin ½, a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field, precession; Addition of Angular Momenta : coupled and uncoupled representations, addition of two angular momenta, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, addition of spin and orbital angular momenta; Identical Particles: the two-particle systems, the identical particle systems, exchange operator, the Pauli principle, N-particle systems, the Fermi energy, density of states; Time Independent Perturbation Theory: Non-degenerate perturbation theory, degenerate perturbation theory, the Stark effect, fine structure of hydrogen (relativistic effect and spin-orbit coupling), the Zeeman effect; The Variational Principle : Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle, the Helium atom; Time Dependent Perturbation Theory: harmonic perturbation, sudden and adiabatic perturbation.

Course Coordinator
Haluk Özbek
Haluk Özbek
Course Language
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