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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Olasılık ve İstatistik
English Probability and Statistics
Course Code
MAT 271E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ayşen Aktürk Sertbaş
Course Objectives Statistic and probability concepts, probability distrubutions, distribution function, discrete disributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Pascal, continuous distributions: Normal, Gaussian, Exponential, Expectation, Moment generating function, mean, variance, standart deviation, covariance, correlation, basic sampling methods, one and two sample test for means, Hypothesis testing, Student’s T , Chi square and F testing, regression
Course Description Inform and teach to engineering students the main probability and statistical methods with techniques for gaining interpretation of their interesting area data.
Course Outcomes 1. Solve permutation and combination problems
2. Graps the probability, conditional probabilities and random variables concepts.
3. Solving reel life problems in the engineering by using statistical methods.
4. Understand the details about the probability functions and apply them to engineering problems
5. Compute the measures of central tendency and dispersion.
6. Understand the statistical tests
7. Construct One and two sample test for means and do the test.
8. Learn and apply regression analysis
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