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ITB 206E - Issues in World Politics

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the students to the main themes pertaining to contemporary world politics
2. To familiarize them with the ways in which the definitions and problematization of world issues evolve and transform historically
3. To familiarize the students with the constitutive concepts, theories, paradigms in studying world politics so as to be able to analyze and understand world issues in a scientific manner
4. To enable students to express their thoughts and insights in an analytically, coherent, consistent manner

Course Description

What is Global Politics?; Beyond the Modern State System? Globalization and Modern Sovereignty; Globalization and New Wars; Ethics and Violence in the İnternational System; International Migration; Globalization, Nation-States, Citizenship; Colonialism and Imperialism; International Political Economy; New Insecurities; International Law; Global Politics of Rights Claims; Development and International Economic İnequalities; Development and International Economic Inequalities; World Politics under the Shadow of the Ecological Crisis; Identities in Global Politics.

Course Coordinator
Merve Çalımlı Akgün
Course Language
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