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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Science and Letters / MAT 213E - Matematik III

MAT 213E - Calculus III

Course Objectives

1 - To provide the applications of limit, continuity, partial differentiation and multiple integrals.
2 - To give an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics on engineering problems

Course Description

Functions of several variables, limit, continuity, partial derivative, chain rules, directional derivative, gradient vector, the equation of tangent plane and normal line, linearization and differentaiability, extrama of multivariable functions, Lagrange multipliers method, Taylor formula, double and triple integrals, substitutions in multiple integrals, applications of multiple integrals, line integrals, vector fields, path independence, potential functions, the fundamental theorem of line integrals, Green s theorem in the plane, surface area and surface integral, Stokes theorem, Divergence theorem.

Course Coordinator
Sezgin Altay Demirbağ
Sezgin Altay Demirbağ
Course Language
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