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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Nükleer Fizik I
English Nuclear Physics I
Course Code
FIZ 433E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cenap Şahabettin Özben
Cenap Şahabettin Özben
Course Objectives 1 - Understanding the dynamic and static properties of nuclei
2 - Applications of basics of Quantum mechanics on nuclear physics
3 - Determination of spin, parity and energy levels of nuclei
4 - Calculations of magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments
5 - 4-vector calculations and binding energy of deuteron
Course Description Nuclear properties. Nuclear radius. Binding energies. Angular momentum and parity. Electromagnetic moments. Forces between nucleons. Deuteron. Nucleon-nucleon scattering. Properties of nuclear forces. Exchange interactions. Nuclear models.
Course Outcomes 1 - Determination of size of the nucleus
2 - Methods for determining the charge and mass distribution function of the nucleus
3 - Mass, abundance, spin, parity, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments
4 - Binding energy and mass formula
5 - Deuteron and 4-vector calculations
6 - Determination of the distribution nuclear matter
7 - The scattering theory and scattering experiments
8 - Applications of nuclear models on nuclei
Pre-requisite(s) FIZ 311 MIN DD or FIZ 311E MIN DD
Required Facilities Laboratory
Textbook Kenneth S. Krane, Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Please see the Syllabus for additional books.
Other References
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