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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mühendislik Etiği
English Engineering Ethics
Course Code
ITB 217 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Arif Çağlar
Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to develop the students’ ability to think about engineering as a profession together with its ethics and morals in depth and to discuss them critically in relation to the current problems of today’s world; to enable the students to understand and discuss the meaning of engineering in its varying forms in today’s business world; to prepare the students to the ethical problems they will confront in their vocation with a capacity to discuss and evaluate them in the light of some ethical principles; to familiarize the students to the classical theses on ethics and to enable them to relate and critically discuss them in relation to the concrete problems of their profession.
Course Description Like any other profession, the engineers are also confronted with the question of accuracy and correctness of their decisions and actions in work process. This is related with questions of ethics, with the way their subjectivities are shaped, as well as with their personal freedom, construed in relation to their duties and responsibilities. Engineers selling their labour in the market are agents of the development of productive forces, and one of the building blocks of market economy, who are also simultaneously under pressure to protect the organized interests of their profession. These forces might lead the engineers into a difficult field of contradictory and even conflicting forces in their decision making process. In addition to the classical dilemmas of work ethics, this course will focus on the new challanges resulting from the changing work and labour forms and conditions in the second half of the 20th century. These questions will be addressed on the basis of a set of text by Max Weber, Joseph R. des Jardins and Richard Sennett among others.
Course Outcomes
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