FIZ 473 - Spectral analysis methods
Course Objectives
1. Learning the principles of optical elements and instruments
2. Learning spectroscopic methods
3. Learning some applications of spectroscopy
Course Description
Spectroscopic Instrumentation. Widths and Profiles of spectral Lines;Natural Linewidth, Doppler Width, Collision Broadening of Spectral Lines. Lasers as Spectroscopic Light Sources; Fundamentals of Lasers, Laser Resonators, Spectral characteristics of Laser Emission, Experimental Realization of Single-Mode Lasers, Tunable Lasers, Nonlinear Optical Mixing Techniques, Spectroscopic Techniques; Doppler-Limited Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Application of Laser Spectroscopy
Course Coordinator
Fatma Gülay Acar
Course Language