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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Lineer Cebir II
English Linear Algebra II
Course Code
MAT 142E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ersin Özuğurlu
Course Objectives 1- To teach the concept of inner product, iner product space and diagonalization methods,
2- By reminding the basic subjects of linear transformations to teach the concept of eigen
values and eigen vectors.
3- To give ability to calculate the eigenvalues, eigenvactors of a matrix, and in terms of
similarity transformation to teach the conditions in order to obtain the diagonal
4- To teach the relation between the eigenvalues and quadratic forms.
5- To teach Analytic Geometry applications of Linear Algebra concepts.
Course Description Inner product spaces; standard inner product, orthogonal subspaces, orthogonal complement
of a subspace, inner product, inner product spaces, normed space, Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality, orthogonal basis, orthogonal matrices, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization methods.
Linear transformations; Definition of Linear transformation, Matrix Representations of
Linear Transformations, Similarity.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; diagonalization, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, quadratic forms,
Conic sections, Quadratic surfaces
Course Outcomes Students completing this course will be able to:
I- Use the the concept of inner product, inner product space and otrhogonalization methods,
II- Remember the basic subjects of linear transformations and learn the concept of eigenvalues
and eigenvectors.
III- Calculate the eigen values, eigen vactors of a matrix and in terms of similarity
transformation, they can also learn the conditions and the method of calculations to obtain the
diagonal or Jordan canonical form of a matrix,
IV- Learn Analytic Geometry applications of Linear Algebra concepts.
Required Facilities
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