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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Analitik Kimya
English Analytical Chemistry
Course Code
KIM 203E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ferah Çalışır
Course Objectives 1.To have basic principles and laws of analytical chemistry
2.To interpretation the relationship of solid-solution equilibrium
3.To calculate of unknown concentration of analyte,making decision which reactions are utilized and applied.
Course Description Basic principles of analytical chemistry and some fundamental concepts,
interpretation analytical data ,solubity and factors effect to solubility, acids, bases and pH, salt solutions and pH, buffer solutions, principles of gravimetric analysis and methods, volumetric analysis, acid base titration and application, redoxs titrations, ,complexometric titrations, precipitation titrations
Course Outcomes 1. To make decision which method is convenient in the investigation of
unknown concentration of analyte
2. To have an ability in different concentration calculations
3. To have an idea may be appear errors in determination processes
4. To calculate of unknown concentrations of analytes
Pre-requisite(s) KIM 101/KIM 101E
Required Facilities
Textbook Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, D. A. Skoog, D: M. West, F. J. Holler, S. R. Crouch, Brooks/Cole, 2004, 8th Ed.
Other References
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