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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Organik Kimya I
English Organic Chemistry I
Course Code
KIM 231 Credit Lecture
Semester -
4 4 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ümit Tunca
Course Objectives To teach introductory knowledge of organic chemistry
Course Description Structures of organic compounds and chemical bonds, covalent bonds and chemical reactivity, acids and bases, alkanes and cycloalkanes, stereochemistry, nucleofilic substitution and elimination reactions, alkenes, polyenes, alkynes, introduction to ultraviole, infrared and nuklear magnetic resonans spectroscopies, alcohols and ethers.
Course Outcomes By successful completion of this course, students will
I. learn, chemical bonds and functional groups in organic compounds,
II. learn principles of chemical reactivity
III. learn acids and bases/nucleophiles and electrophiles concepts
IV. learn the saturated hydrocarbons
V. learn structural and stereochemical (both conformational and configurational) isomerism
VI. understand how to occur nucleofilic substitution and elimination reactions
VII. learn alkenes, alkynes
VIII. having general information about spectroscopic study of organic compounds
IX. learn alcohols, ethers
Pre-requisite(s) KIM111 MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Organic Chemistry, Structure and Reactivity, Seyhan Eğe, 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin Com. NY (1999).
2. Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, 5th edition, Prentice Hall. NJ (2007).
Other References
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