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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Optik I
English Optics I
Course Code
FIZ 457E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gönül Eryürek
Course Objectives 1. Understanding the basic concepts of optics
2. Understanding the principles of operation of optical instruments
3. Learning how to diagnose, eliminate or minimize optical imperfections
4. Understanding optical instrument design.
Course Description Basic principles of physical and geometrical optics; interference, diffraction, coherence,
polaarization, refraction and reflection. Mirrors, lenses and coatings. Optical imperfections, their
effects, methods of diagnosing, eliminating and minimising them. Optical instruments.
Course Outcomes Students who have completed this course
I.are familiar with basic concepts of physical optics (polarization, diffraction and interference)
II.are familiar with basics of geometrical optics (reflections and refraction) and can use these
III.knows the optical defects such as chromatic and spherical aberrations and the techniques for
minimizing these,
IV.knows the design principles of optical instruments and can design these instruments.
Pre-requisite(s) FIZ 102 /E MIN DD veya FIZ 106 /E MIN DD veya
FIZ 132 /E MIN DD veya FIZ 114 MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti, Leno S. Pedrotti, “Introduction To Optics” 3th
Edition, Benjamin Cummings;ISBN-10 0131499335, (2006).
Other References 1. Milton Katz, “Introduction To Geometrical Optics”, World Scientific
Publishing Company, ISBN-10;9812382240, (2002).
2. Eugene Hecht, “Optics”, 4th Edition, Addison Wesley;ISBN-10:0805385665,
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