DEP 610E - Soil-Structure Interaction in Earthquake Engineering
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to help the students to acquire the following skills:
1. To provide students with state of the art analytical methods to accurately take into account soil-structure interaction in earthquake engineering systems/problems.
2. To introduce and make use of common numerical methods in earthquake engineering to solve complex soil-structure interaction problems.
3. To make sure the students acquire knowledge with necessary foundation to solve various soil-structure interaction problems.
4. To evaluate the earthquake-induced instabilities in soil-structure systems.
Course Description
This course consists of mathematical modeling of soil-structure interaction in earthquake engineering. Main content of the course includes the seismic response of structures built inside or on the surface of soils taking into account the dynamic effects of soils. In this course the soil-structure system will be considered as a whole and the theoretical background will be complemented with related practical applications.