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BIL 100E - Intr.to Prog.Language(PYTHON)

Course Objectives

1. To familiarize students with the fundamentals of scientific computing
2. To develop problem solving skills
3. To develop skills in constructing an algorithm,
4. To train students how to use Python programming language problem solver
program in scientific and engineering calculations
5. To train students to visualize their results and prepare written reports

Course Description

Lineer Cebir Uygulamaları, Basit Denklem Çözme Uygulamaları, Çokterimli
Örnekleri, Eğri Uydurma Uygulamaları, Interpolasyon Uygulamaları, Sayısal
Integrasyon Uygulamaları, Sembolik Matematik, Hazır Fonksiyonlar ile
Sıradan Türevli Denklem Çözümleri
Introduction to Python Programming, Computing Environment, Variables,
Simple I/O, Arithmetic and Logic Operators, Error Analysis and Debugging,
Data Types, Arrays, Sorting Arrays, Searching Arrays, Simple Plot,
Introduction to Algorithms, Program Flow Control, Logical Expressions,
Selective Execution Statements, Recursive Execution Statements, Basic
Building Blocks (Modules, Procedures, Functions, Subroutines), Advanced
I/O, Files and Records, Handling String/Characters, Matrices and
Multidimensional Arrays, Data fitting, Iterations, SciPy/NumPy Libraries,
Linear Algebra Applications, Polynomials Examples,

Course Coordinator
Ali Bahadır
Course Language
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