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BBL 501E - Probability&Stochastic Proces.

Course Description

Random experiments, axioms of probability, techniques of counting,
conditional probability, independence, sequential experiments.
Random variables, probability distributions, some important random variables: Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, Poisson, uniform, exponential, Gaussian, gamma. Functions of random variables, expected values, Chebyshev inequality, characteristic functions.
Multiple random variables, joint cdf's and pdf's, independence, conditional probability and conditional expectation, functions of several random variables, expected values of functions of vector random variables, multidimensional Gaussian random variables.Sums of random variables, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem.
Random processes, distributions, mean, autocorrelation, autocovariance, some important random processes: sum, binomial counting, random walk, Poisson,
Wiener, Brownian motion. Stationary random processes, derivatives and integrals
of random processes, time averages of random processes and ergodic theorems.
Power spectral density, response of linear systems to random signals.

Course Coordinator
Uluğ Bayazıt
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