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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Isıl Sistem Mühendisliği
English Thermal Systems Engineering
Course Code
BLU 525E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hamza Salih Erden
Course Objectives 1. To introduce thermodynamic principles
2. To teach fundamentals of fluid mechanics
3. To teach fundamentals of heat transfer
4. To teach how to use key principles, techniques, property tables and empirical equations to analyze thermal energy systems, especially in data centers and electronic systems
Course Description Energy, heat and work. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances. Laws of thermodynamics. Control Volume Analysis. Fluid statics and dynamics. Momentum and energy equations. Dimensional Analysis, Internal and External Flow, Modes of heat transfer; Heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. Applications of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer in data centers and electronic systems.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will learn:
1. fundamentals of thermodynamics
2. fundamentals of fluid mechanics
3. fundamentals of heat transfer
4. and how to analyze thermal systems based on the fundamentals
Required Facilities
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