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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kırsal Kalkınma
English Rural Development
Course Code
BPL 507E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Aliye Ahu Gülümser
Course Objectives Course objectives

1. To identify contemporary rural development discourses in the world.
2. To examine the reasons of rural development need to be in our country.
3. To explore the problems of rural development plans and to offer solution proposals with new approaches.
Course Description Course Description
General planning policies and decisions in the Five Year Development Plans and their reflections to the physical and socio-cultural environments. Socio-economic profile of the population living in the rural areas and its reflections on the planning procedure. Comparisons of the planning policies in rural areas with Turkey and other countries.
Course Outcomes Course Outcomes

Graduate students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and proficiencies
1. To formulate conceptual and theoretical frameworks on rural development,
2. Contemporary rural development discourses and approaches,
3.Rural development plans and their problems in our coutry,
4. Rural development approahces at regional scale and their reflection in planning.
Required Facilities
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