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GEO 696E - Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar

Course Objectives

1. To learn what is scine, scientific esearch methods,
2. To learn scientific methodology, research design and data gathring
3. To learn types of scientific publications
. To learn ethical rinciples that need to be carried out in scientific reseaches and pubications,
5. Evaluating outstanding presetation techniques, systematically tansfering the curent developments in the area or one's work o other groups in and out of the area; in written, oral and visual forms

Course Description

Defintion and develeopment of science, scientific reserch approach literature survey, research design, quantative and qualitativ research methodoogies, data gathering, writing technques for thesis, project and scientific article, ethical principles to be followed when conducting research, ethical principles to be followed when publishing, citation ethics, tips for a succesful presentaion, student presentations

Course Coordinator
Ayşe Filiz Sunar
Course Language
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