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GEO 612 - Adjustment and Network Analysis

Course Objectives

i) The objective of the course is to demonstrate the fundamental approaches towards the evaluation of geodetic observations and the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained.. ii) Based on these fundamental methodologies, such subjects as outlier testing algorithms, model tests, deformation measurements and analysis, an important application field in geomatics engineering are discussed and it is aimed to improve the skills about solving the problems with the most suitable methodology with the abilities of analyzing such problems, and about developing solution methods and their applications in the practical issues.

Course Description

Estimation methods for computation of geodetic networks, mathematical fundemantels of the GaussMarkoff Model, geodetic datum and the datum defect, free adjustment, datum transformation, quality criteria of geodetic networks, design principles of control networks, model tests of adjustment computations, functional model and stokastik model tests, outlier detection, significance tests for determination of the deformations, global test and localization of the deformations with point test, different approaches for deformation analysis, application of robust statistics, kinematic models in deformation analysis.

Course Coordinator
Mustafa Tevfik Özlüdemir
Course Language
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