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BLG 637E - Cloud and Cyber Physical Systems Security

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course;
1. Inspecting security in cloud
2. Teaching how to achieve data integrity in distributed systems
3. Analyzing effects of security threats in cyber-physical systems
4. Rendering students capable of understanding and detecting vulnerabilities as well as making designs to mitigate them

Course Description

Course Description;
Cloud, distributed systems and cyber-physical systems, communication models in distributed systems, fault tolerance in cloud and distributed systems, Byzantine Quorums, distributed file systems, Secure agreement and commitment protocols, Paxos protocol and consensus, availability and resiliency, threats and goals in cloud, effects of deployment models to security of cloud, virtualization in cloud and its security problems, effects of resource pooling to cloud security, methods of preventing privacy leakage in cloud, security threats in cyber physical systems, cost of security, EDoS, DoS and DDoS attacks, applications of cyber-physical systems, IoT, smart-cities, means of production, critical infrastructures. engineering approaches to foresee future threats.

Course Coordinator
Mehmet Tahir Sandıkkaya
Course Language
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