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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Astrofizikte hesaplamalı yöntemler
English Computational Methods in Astrophsics
Course Code
FIZ 642E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Kazım Yavuz Ekşi
Kazım Yavuz Ekşi
Course Objectives 1-Conveying the modern methods developed for modelling radiative magnetohydrodynamic codes and visualizing the numerical outputs.
2-Formation of required theoretical knowledge for following the literature on nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.
3-Introducing the contemporary astrophysical problems on which the methods can be applied.
Course Description The course covers the numerical methods and visualization techniques required in the solution of astrophysical problems. After a brief introduction with the problems that require the solution of ordinary differential equations, the course marches towards discussing the modern methods for numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws for fluids. The course aims at understanding, usage and adaptation of modern codes written for the 2- and 3-dimensional simulation of radiative ionized gases. The course thus presents the numerical methods developed for star formation, stellar structure and evolution, astrophysical disks, and jets emerging out of these disks. The acquired knowledge on computation
methods are then related to the contemporary research fields about the astrophysics of compact objects like black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs.
Course Outcomes 1. Ability to set-up a code for solving astrophysical problems, and show the validity of the code.
2.Ability to adopt a legacy to code for a given problem.
3. Visualizing the outcomes of numerical solutions.
Pre-requisite(s) Acquaintance with a programming language such as Python, FORTRAN or C++. A computational physics course at the undergraduate level would be fine but not required. Acquaintance with LaTeX is required.
Required Facilities The student should have an access to a computer with one of the languages above installed.
Other This is a course progress is achieved by the homework's on which the student spends time on the codes.
Textbook Numerical Methods in Astrophysics, an introduction, Bodenheimer et al., (2007)
Other References Several sources on the syllabus
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