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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Atmosferik Konveksiyon
English Atmospheric Convection
Course Code
MTO 602E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Zafer Aslan
Course Objectives This module aims to provide an accessible review of atmospheric convection from the text book to long after the class. It presents a source for graduate students. Develop an advance understanding of the structure and evolution of key paradigms of convection and atmospheric environment.
Course Description Basic rules of the convection. Developing the mathematical models of meso and large scale problems in lower atmosphere.
Course Outcomes Atmospheric convection is the mathematics and physics to apply in environmental problems. Students will see what a range of fields now use it in the atmospheric models that bring understanding about thermal and dynamic structures of the atmosphere around us. The learning outcomes of this lecture are to understand and have some practices on solving problems and modeling of atmospheric convections problems.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Ahrens, C. D., (2000): Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the Environment, ISBN-0 534-37201, pp. 528, Brooks/Cole, CA-USA.
2. C. Bretherton, (Feb.8, 2011): “Cumulus convection and its large-scale organization” by Dr. Christopher Bretherton (U. Washington, Seattle, USA), Lecture Notes:
3. WMO/OSTIV, (2009): Weather Forecasting for Soaring Flight, WMO No: 1038, Geneva, Switzerland.
Other References 1. Cotton, W. R., and R. A. Anthes, 1989: Storm and Cloud Dynamics, Academic Press.
2. Emanuel, K. A, 1993: Atmospheric Convection, Oxford University Press.
3. Houze, R. A., Jr., 1993: Cloud Dynamics. Academic Press.
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