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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Akım ayırımına dayalı ekolojik evsel atıksu yönetimi & ECOSAN
English Segre.Col.&Man.of Dom.Was&Eco.(Segregated Collection and Management of Domestic Wastewater & Ecological Sanitation)
Course Code
CBM 616E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ayşe Bilsen Baykal
Course Objectives 1 To raise awareness on segregated streams and their management
2 To provide an in depth appraisal of management alternatives, their advantages and short comings of segregated systems in comparison with conventional collection /treatment/disposal systems, including problems to be addressed
3 To lay the scientific and practical background for the development and use of segregated streams and ECOSAN approach including conceptual, technical, managerial and social aspects for probable future suggestions
4 To provide a means of in depth appraisal, discussion and brain storming for this new approach which is open to interdisciplinary collaboration
Course Description Segregated streams, the ECOSAN concept; comparison with conventional systems; domestic wastewater fractions (streams) – grey water, yellow water, brown water, black water; The ECOSAN infrastructure and equipment; characteristics, processing and reuse of segregated domestic wastewater streams; examples of research work and practice.
Course Outcomes
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