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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Optimal Kontrol Teorisi
English Optimal Control Theory
Course Code
KOM 510E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İbrahim Eksin
Erhan Yumuk
Course Objectives 1. To provide basic concepts related to optimal control and its position in optimization
2. To teach the calculus of extrema and parameter optimization by the method of Lagrange multipliers
3. To teach the Optimality Principle and Dynamic Programming
4. To teach variational calculus and Pontragin’s minimum principle
5. To provide a solution approach for the Hamilton Jacobi-Bellman equation.
6. To provide the solution for Linear Optimal Control Problem (The Matrix Riccati Equation).
Course Description Definition of optimization. Calculus of extrema and parameter optimization by the method of Lagrange multipliers. Performance measures. Optimality Principle and Dynamic Programming. Variational calculus and Pontragin’s minimum principle. Dynamic optimization in control systems for different terminal conditions. Hamilton Jacobi-Bellman equation. Linear Optimal Control Problem solution (The matrix Riccati equation). Optimization of discrete control systems. Numerical solution methods in optimal control problem.
Course Outcomes M.Sc./Ph.D. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
I. The basic concepts related to optimal control and its position in optimization
II. The parameter optimization method in optimal control
III. Optimality Principle and Dynamic Programming
IV. The variational calculus and Pontragin’s minimum principle
V. The Hamilton Jacobi-Bellman approach
VI. Linear Optimal Control Problem (The Matrix Riccati Equation)
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