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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Tasarımda Üretken Sistemler
English Generative Systems in Architectural Design
Course Code
MBL 512 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Gülen Çağdaş
Gülen Çağdaş
Course Objectives 1. To be informed about the role and application of generative processes in architectural design
2. Analysis of architectural design in the context of the current design paradigms
3. To analyze the grammar of architectural styles, to develop new design grammars and to be able to use shape grammar approaches in the creative design process.
4. To be able to use Cellular Automata, L-Systems, Fractals, Swarm Behavior and Multi-Agents, Genetic Algorithms as a tool for design.
5. Designing and implementing a generative design model.
Course Description Computational architecture; Algorithmic and parametric architectural design; Models that constitute fundamentals of architectural design systems: Generative systems in architectural design; Generative design approaches and models; Shape grammar and design grammar approaches; Design grammar types and structures; Defining the rule-sets of architectural languages and generation process of designs; Fractal geometry and its role in architectural design; Approaches regarding generation of fractal designs and patterns within computing environment; L-Systems, Cellular Automata, Swarm Behavior and Multi-Agents, Genetic Algorithms; Parametric generative system applications in architecture; Development of a generative model by using a computer programming language.
Course Outcomes 1. Developing and intensifying knowledge in the architectural design computing area.
2. Grasping the interdisciplinary interaction related to the architectural design computing area; Interpreting and forming new types of knowledge by combining the knowledge from the architectural design computing area and knowledge from various other disciplines.
3. The ability to use the expert-level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in architectural design computing area.
4. Solving the problems faced in the area by making use of the research methods.
5. Using the computer software together with the information and communication technologies efficiently and according to the needs of the architectural design computing area.
6. Using the knowledge and the skills for problem solving and/or application (which are processed within the area) in interdisciplinary studies.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities -
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Textbook 1. Bovill, C., (1996), Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design, Birkhauser, Boston.
2. Coyne, R.D., Rosenman, M.A., Radford, A.D., Balachandran, M., Gero, J.S., (1990), Knowledge-Based Design Systems, U.S.A: Addison-Wesley.
3. Mitchell, W.J., (1990), The Logic of Architecture, Design, Computation and Cognition, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
4. Terzidis, K., (2006), Algorithmic Architecture, MA: Architectural Press/Elsevier.
5. Stiny, G., (2008), Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
6. Terzidis, K. (2014). Permutation design: buildings, texts, and contexts. Routledge.
Other References -
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