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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kentsel Tasarım Projesi II
English Urban Design Project II
Course Code
KET 508E Credit Lecture
Semester -
6 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Handan Türkoğlu
Course Objectives Analysis and evaluation in urban areas which developed by historical process with different problem areas (conservation, renovation, rehabilitation, animation)
Determine the participation of experts, evaluation of solution options design and implementation strategies and policies necessary
Course Description Development of alternative proposals for spatial organisations of building and environment interactions, land use and transportation problems for an existing urban place which is formed by natural and man made resources and affected by social, economic, cultural factors according to its characteristics. Presentation of proposals with two or three dimensional urban design techniques and models.
Course Outcomes Progressing urban design abilities
Gaining ability of interdisciplinary team working
Gaining professional competence and ethical values
Ability to develop urban design strategies
Required Facilities
Other References Lang, Jon, (2005), Urban Design : A Typology Of Procedures And Products , Oxford : Elsevier/Architectural Press,
Bently, Alcok, Murrain, Mcgllynn, Smith, (1992), Responsive Environments, A Manual For Designers, Butterworth Architecture, Oxford.
Chapman, D., (1996), Creating Neighboorhoods And Places In The Built Environment, Alden Press, Oxford.
Lang, J., (1996), Urban Design, The American Experience, The Urban Design, Designing Process.
Punter, J.; Carmona, M., (1997), The Design Dimension Of Planning, Theory, Content And Best Practise For Design Policies, London, E&Fn Spon.
6 Punter, J., (1999), Design Guidelines In American Cities, A Review Of Design Policies And Guidance In Five West Coast Cities, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press.
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