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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Teknoloji Yönetimi
English Technology Management
Course Code
MHN 510E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Vehbi Tufan Koç
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the basic principles and concepts of technology, R&D and innovation.
2. To understand how technology is developed to meet market opportunities.
3. To understand the tools and techniques used in innovation management.
4. To understand R&D organization design factors for an effective innovation process.
Course Description Introduction to Technology, Innovation and R&D Concepts, The Association of R&D Management and New Technology Development, Innovation Types and Objectives, Product Development and Architecture Design, Technology and Product Life Cycle, Innovation Process and Management of Innovation Ideas; Innovation Models, Innovative R&D Organization Design, Technology Transfer Techniques and Selection, Preparation of Technology Strategy for an Organization.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and proficiency in the following subjects:

I. Skill to take advantage of market opportunities and defend against threads.
II. Skill to use necessary tools and techniques for an effective R&D management.
III. Skill to understand the main problems and find solutions about technology, R&D and innovation management.
IV. Skill to develop and manage an innovative R&D organization.
Required Facilities
Textbook • Trott, P. (2016), Innovation Management and New Product Development, Pearson.
• White, M.A., Bruton, G.D. (2016), The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach, Cengage Learning.
• Çetindamar, D., Phaal, R., Probert, D. (2017) Teknoloji Yönetimi. Elif Yayınevi
• Erdal, M. (2008), Teknoloji Yönetimi. Türkmen Kitabevi
Other References
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