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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kuraklık ve Taşkın Hidrolojisi
English Hydrology of Droughts and Floods
Course Code
HSK 508 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Bihrat Önöz
Course Objectives 1. Definition of flood, importance, identification methods of analysis and risk analysis
2. Definition of statistical methods used in flood estimation and application on various samples.
3. Drought and definition of low flow, identification methods of analysis and application on various samples.
4. Flood and drought management .
Course Description Analysis of Exreme Events. Probability Concepts, Flood Estimation Methods. Statistical Methods. Flood Frequency Analysis. Parameters of Probability Distributions. Probability Distributions for Floods. Partial Duration Series. Extreme Floods. Envelope Curves. Regional Flood Frequency Analysis. Flood Management. Low Flow Analysis. Statistical Analysis of Low Flows. Probability Distributions for Low Flows. Analysis of Drought Periods (Run analysis). Trend Analysis. Regional Drought Analysis. Drought Management.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and proficiency in the following subjects;
1.Analysis of extreme events, methods of risk analysis and flood analysis.
2.Basic knowledge level to calculate flood forecasts with statistical methods and gain the ability to use these methods.
3.Flood management in scope of sustainable use of water resources management.
4.Drought and calculation methods for low flows and gain the ability to use these methods.
5.Drought management in scope of integrated river basin management
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