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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Advanced Mesh Processing
English Advanced Mesh Processing
Course Code
MAK 641E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Erkan Günpınar
Course Objectives This course enables the students to develop the following skills and knowledge:
1. Understanding of mesh generation techniques
2. Understanding of advanced mesh processing techniques
3. Learning basic programming in mesh processing library and frameworks
Course Description Advanced mesh processing techniques will be elaborated in this course. Contents of the course are listed as follows: Surface Representations; Mesh Data Structures and Delaunay Triangulation; Introduction to OpenFlipper Geometry Processing and Rendering Framework; Differential Geometry; Mesh Smoothing; Mesh Parametrization; Remeshing; Mesh Simplification and Approximation; Mesh Repair; Mesh Deformation.
Course Outcomes Students who have completed this course will learn about:
1. Differential geometry
2. Programming in mesh processing library and frameworks
3. Triangular mesh generation
4. Quadrilateral mesh generation
5. High quality mesh generation
6. Generation of proper meshes with few elements
7. Removing artifacts from meshes
8. Mesh deformation
Required Facilities
Textbook Mario Botsch, Leif Kobbelt, Mark Pauly, Pierre Alliez, Bruno Levy, “Polygon Mesh Processing”, A K Peters, 2010.
Other References Other References:
1. J. O’Rourke, “Computational Geometry in C”, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
2. P.-L.George, S. Frey, “Mesh Generation”, Hermes Science Ltd., 2000.
3. K. Lee, “Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE systems”, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
4. RWTH Achen Computer Graphics & Multimedia Group, “OpenFlipper: Geometry Processing and Rendering Framework”, www.openflipper.org.
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