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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yöneylem Araştırması
English Operations Research
Course Code
MHN 502E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Yusuf İlker Topcu
Course Objectives 1. To learn using different mathematical modeling techniques with OR
2. To learn using different methods that are used for numerical decision making
3. To learn finding optimal solutions to problems
Course Description Some concepts concerning with production and management; quantitative decision making; model building and modeling philosophy; linear programming, graphical solution, and simplex algorithm; Big M method; duality and economic analysis; sensitivity analysis; integer programming modeling and solving methods, transportation models and solving methods; transshipment and assignment problems; lindo and excel solver.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Use different mathematical modeling techniques,
2. Solve a linear programming problem and comprehend the solution
3. Understand the sensitivity of a solution to the changes of parameters of a linear model,
4. Use computer softwares (Excel Solver and Lindo) to model, solve and analyze a linear model,
5. Formulate and Solve Integer Programming Problems
6. Model and solve transportation and assignment problems.
Required Facilities
Textbook https://web.itu.edu.tr/topcuil/ya/MHN502E/
Other References
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