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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Jeofizikte Sinyal Analizi
English Signal Analysis in Geophysics
Course Code
JFM 503E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gonca Örgülü
Course Objectives 1. Be able to describe signals mathematically and understand how to perform mathematical operations on signals
2. Be familiar with commonly used signals such as the unit-impulse, unit-step, ramp, sinusoidal signals and complex exponentials, and be able to classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, as periodic or non-periodic, as energy or power signals, and as having even or odd symmetry.
3. Understand various system properties such as linearity, time variance or time invariance, presence or absence of memory, causality, bounded-input bounded-output stability and invertibility and be able to identify whether a given system exhibits these properties and its implication for practical systems.
4. Understand the process of convolution between signals, its implication for analysis of linear time invariant systems and the notion of an impulse response.
5. Be able to compute the Fourier series or Fourier transform of a set of well-defined signals from first principles, and further be able to use the properties of the Fourier transform to compute the Fourier transform (and its inverse) for a broader class of signals.
6. Be able to compute the Laplace and z-transforms
Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayan yüksek lisans/doktora öğrencileri aşağıdaki konularda bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlik kazanırlar;
1. Sinyaller üzerinde matematiksel işlemleri gerçekleştirme,
2. Birim dürtü, birim-basamak, rampa işlevi, sinusoidal sinyaller, karmaşık üsteller gibi sık kullanılan sinyallere aşinalık kazanma, ayrıca ayrık- ve sürekli- zamanlı, periyodik ve periyodik olmayan, çift veya tek simetriye sahip olan sinyalleri sınıflandırma,
3.Doğrusal zamanla değişmeyen sistemlerin temel özelliklerini tanımlamak ve yararlanmak,
4.Fourier serilerini ve Fourier dönüşümlerini kullanarak sürekli- ve ayrık-zamanlı sinyalleri ve sistemleri analiz etmek,
5. Laplace ve z-dönüşümlerini alınması ve yakınsama bölgelerinin tanımlanması,
6. Öğrencilerin matlab betiklerine yakınlık kazanması
M.Sc./Ph.D. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
1. Describe signals mathematically and understand how to perform mathematical operations on signals
2. Be familiar with commonly used signals such as the unit impulse, unit-step, ramp, sinusoidal signals and complex exponentials, and be able to classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, as periodic or non-periodic, as energy or power signals, and as having even or odd symmetry
3.Describe and utilize the fundamental properties of linear time invariant systems
4.Analyze continuous and discrete time signals and systems using Fourier series and Fourier transform
5.Take the Laplace and z-transforms and specify the region of convergence
6. Students will be familiar with matlab scripts.
Course Description Description of continuous- and discrete-time signals and systems
Course Outcomes M.Sc./Ph.D. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
1. Describe signals mathematically and understand how to perform mathematical operations on signals
2. Be familiar with commonly used signals such as the unit impulse, unit-step, ramp, sinusoidal signals and complex exponentials, and be able to classify signals as continuous-time or discrete-time, as periodic or non-periodic, as energy or power signals, and as having even or odd symmetry
3.Describe and utilize the fundamental properties of linear time invariant systems
4.Analyze continuous and discrete time signals and systems using Fourier series and Fourier transform
5.Take the Laplace and z-transforms and specify the region of convergence
6. Students will be familiar with matlab scripts.
Required Facilities
Textbook - Oppenheim, A. V., Willsky, A., And Nawab S. H., 1997: Signals And Systems, Published By Prentice-Hall International Inc., Pp 1-945.
- Hsu, H.P., 1995: Signals And Systems, Schaum’s Outlines Of Theory And Problems Of Signals And Systems, Published By Mcgraw-Hill, Pp 1-461.
- Haykın, S., Veen, B.V., 1999: Sıgnals And Systems, Publıshed By John Wıley & Sons, Inc., Pp 1-438.
- Oppenheim, A. V., Schafer R.W., 1975: Digital Signal Processing, Published By Prentice-Hall Inc., Pp 1-585.
Other References
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