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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık Tasarım Kuram
English Architecture Design Theory
Course Code
MTS 502E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sıdıka Aslıhan Şenel
Nizam Onur Sönmez
Course Objectives 1. To provide an understanding of various theoretical approaches through addressing architecture and architectural thought comprehensively / broadly / prevalently.
2. To offer capabilities of scientific, professional and intellectual questioning, analysis and interpretation.
Course Description Theoretical studies in architecture and design; discussion on different understandings and their further expansions of the 20th century architectural thought and architectural production; relation of architecture with other disciplines, the interdisciplinarity of architectural knowledge; modernity; critical theory; phenomenology; contemporary critical issues: politics-architecture, cultural studies, cities-architecture, housing research, sustainability, computational design, space and morphological studies.
Course Outcomes
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