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MET 613 - Lithium Ion Battery Technologies

Course Objectives

1. To give students another perpective in developing energy sector and problems solving approach.
2. The importance of battery technologies will be emphasized.
3. Understanding of basic principles and concepts in batteries, the difference between primary and secondary batteries technologies will be defined,
4. Lithium Ion Battery Technologies and basic components will be introduced.
5. Design and materials selection principles for anode and cathode materials and different production methods for anode and cathode materials will be taught.
6. Future trends in lithium ion materials and technologies will be disscussed and the importance of nanotechnology in Lithium Ion Batteries will be emphasized.

Course Description

Introduction to Battery Technologies, Historical Background in Battery Technologies, Basic Concepts in Batteries (Cell Potential, Current-Potential Relation, Capacity, Cycle, etc.), Battery Design and Standards, Primary Batteries, Secondary Batteries, Lithium Ion Battery Technologies, Applications areas, market share and safety in Lithium ion batteries, Basic Components, Working Principles, Electrolyte, Separators, Hardware Elements, Anode Materials (carbon anodes, oxides, alloy anodes, etc), Production Techniques of Anode Materials, Cathode Materials (Layered, Spinel and Olivine Structures), Production Techniques of Electrode (Solid State Methods, Co-precipitation, Sol-Gel, Hydro Thermal Methods, Electrolytic Coatings, Thin Film Coatings Methods, Pyrolysis, Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, etc.) Materials, Characterization Techniques in Lithium Ion Batteries (Cycling, CV, impedance), Future Trends in Lithium Ion Battery Materials and Technologies, Nanotechnology in Lithium Ion Batteries, Industrial Applications, Presentations.

Course Coordinator
Özgül Keleş
Course Language
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