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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sayısal Analiz I
English Numerical Analysis I
Course Code
MAT 505E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gülçin Mihriye Muslu
Course Objectives I. To introduce advanced methods, derivations and mathematical analysis in numerical analysis,
II. II. To teach graduate-level theorems and proofs in numerical analysis.
Course Description Error analysis. Numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in one variable. Numerical solutions for systems of nonlinear equations. One-dimensional and multi-dimensional interpolation theory. Approximating functions. Numerical differentiation. Numerical integration; numerical evaluation of singular integrals, multidimensional numerical integration.
Course Outcomes Graduate students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
I. To know graduate-level fundamental concepts, proofs and approaches such as error analysis, stability and convergence of the numerical methods
II. To find numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in one variable
I. To find numerical solutions for systems of nonlinear equations
II. To know interpolation and approximation theory
III. To perform numerical differentiation and know how to derive different finite difference formulas and their convergence analysis
IV. To evaluate certain integrals numerically
Required Facilities Using MATLAB will be encouraged.
Textbook 1. W. Gautschi, Numerical Analysis, Springer 2012
2. L.R. Scott, Numerical Analysis, Princeton University Press, 2011
3. R.L. Burden and J.D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, Cengage Learning, 2010, 9th Edition
4. D. Kincaid and W. Cheney, Numerical Analysis, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1991
5. P. Linz, Theoretical Numerical Analysis, Dover Publications, 2001
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