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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Tasarımda Geometri
English Geometry in Architectural Design
Course Code
MTS 614E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sema Alaçam
Course Objectives 1. To develop the ability to question the reciprocal relationship between geometry and architecture in the contexts of history, theory, and practice.
2. To discuss the representability and certainty of the architectural object in relation to analytical-synthetic distinction in the geometry
3. To introduce concepts of geometry to conceive new understandings of form and space in architecture.
Course Description Architectural design and geometry; foundations of geometrical knowledge and affordances of measurement, analytical and synthetical distintion in the ontology of geometry, projection in the context of representation and transformation of architectural object, the subjective basis of projection, mathematical models and related concepts for representation of space, non-metric concepts of space, topology, hierarchy, and connectivity, computability of geometry and field theory.
Course Outcomes Ph.D. students, who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects:
1. To understand the interdisciplinary interaction related with the field,
2. To be able to execute critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new and complex ideas by using geometry concepts
3. To develop new interpretations in the architectural design with geometry and related concepts
4. To be able to assess new ideas and methods related to the field through systematic approaches
5. Expanding the limits of knowledge in the architectural design computing area by publishing at least one scientific article in an international peer reviewed journal and/or creating or interpreting an original work.
Required Facilities
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