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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çevre Dostu Tekstil Boyama ve Terbiye İşlemleri
English Ecofriendly Textile Dyeing and Finishing
Course Code
TEK 545E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gülay Özcan
Course Objectives 1. To examine eco-friendly processes in textile dyeing and finishing
2. To examine ecological preparation, characterization, and application methods in different textile processes.
3. To evaluate the use of new technologies in dyeing and finishing processes for a different kind of fiber.
Course Description Eco-friendly processes in textile dyeing and finishing and environmental impact of dyeing and finishing processes. Ecological preparation, characterization, and application methods. Eco-friendly pretreatment processes, eco-friendly disperse, reactive, Sulphur, vat dyes, natural dyes. Ultrasonic assisted wet processing. Dyeing with supercritical CO2. The use of new technologies in dyeing and finishing processes for a different kind of fiber. Surface Modification Methods. Ultra-Fine Modified Pigments. The use of new technologies in the dyeing of protein fibers. Water remediation technologies. Decolorization of textile finishing wastewater.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students will have:
i. Knowledge on eco-friendly processes in textile dyeing and finishing,
ii. Knowledge on ecological preparation, characterization and application methods in different textile processes,
iii. Knowledge on the use of new technologies in dyeing and finishing processes for different kind of fiber.
iv. Knowledge on finishing processes and their impact on environment,
v. Knowledge on water remediation technologies and decolorization of textile finishing wastewater
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