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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deniz Ulaşt.Müh.İstatik.Yönt.
English Statistical Methods in Maritime Transportation
Course Code
DUM 621 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Serdar Kum
Course Objectives 1. To teach making use of statistics in scientific researches,
2. To teach the analysis of statistical data,
3. Criticize of statistical analysis of maritime transportation.
Course Description Rememberance of knowledge related to statistics and research methods. Data aquisition of maritime transportation. SPSS programming. Data analysis by using SPSS and critization and assessment of outputs.
Course Outcomes Graduate students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and proficiencies in the following issues;

I. Knowledge related to basic statistical and research methods
II. Statistical data related to maritime transportation
III. By using SPSS software, data analysis of maritime transportation
IV. Criticize for analysis of maritime transportation
Required Facilities
Other Sample data analysis by using statistical software and giving an assignment in his/her studying field as homework.
Other References
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