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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Computing Theories and Models in Architectural Design (Mimari Tasarımda Bilgi İşleme Kuram ve Modelleri)
English Computing Theories and Models in Architectural Design
Course Code
MBL 606E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mine Özkar Kabakçıoğlu
Course Objectives To give the theoretical background of the current computational design research and development.

To give the fundamental computational and cognitive theories that are mostly referred to and utilized in computational design domain

To introduce how various theories and models are used in solving specific design problems and developing computational applications.

To enable students to discuss approaches to their own design thinking and the role of computers in it.
Course Description Computable problems and complex problems in design; designers’ cognitive studies; design thinking and formal methods of design; comparative analysis of generative systems; design tool development; seamless data integration in AEC collaboration; building product models and real time performance evaluation.
Course Outcomes To develop one’s knowledge of historical, contemporary and specialized issues in the field through original research

To understand the interdisciplinary interaction related with the field

To be able to assess new ideas and methods related to the field through systematic approaches

To be able to execute critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new and complex ideas

To acquire high level skills in utilizing research methods

To develop new ideas through the use of creative and critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities
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