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GEM 601E - Energy Conversion Sysytems

Course Objectives

Gemilerde kullanılan motor, gaz türbini, kompresör ve yakıt hücresi gibi enerji dönüşüm sistemlerinin analizi, enerji depolama ve bu sistemlerin çevreye olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi için gerekli bilgi ve metodların verilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.

Course Description

Energy and power: technology and resources, efficiency, power systems, counterflow gas heat exchangers, heat engine process modelling, energy limited cycles: Otto and Diesel engines, temperature limited cycles: Brayton and Ericson, Stirling cycle engines, fluid property limited cycles: Rankine and cycle combinations, nozzles, compressors, axial flow turbines, energy storage, direct energy conversion systems, fuel cells, environmental aspects of energy conversion.

Course Coordinator
Murat Emre Demir
Course Language
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