CHZ 521E - Ultrafine Grinding Technologie
Course Objectives
1. The purpose of this course is to teach students how to use ultrafine grinding technology for industrial mineral evaluations and energy production plants,
2. To teach students how to use grinding processes for the beneficiation techniques of some minerals which are liberated at the ultrafine size and for hydrometallurgical processes, and understand the classifications techniques, explain the differences of the other size reduction processes,
3. To evaluate and study project of ultrafine grinding plants
Course Description
Application areas of ultrafine grinding, production of pigment and filling materials, ultrafine grinding technology, tower mills, vibrating mills, stirred mills, jet mills, centrifugal mills, vertical mills, horizontal mills, pulverizer, mill parameters (grinding media types, grinding media, and material charge and size, mill speed ), Size classification and separation for ultrafine grinding and flow sheets, industrial scale ultrafine grinding application examples
Course Coordinator
Abdullah Ekrem Yüce
Abdullah Ekrem Yüce
Course Language